
2017年1月21日 星期六

Chimei museum at Tainan 台南奇美博物館

When we saw Apollo riding his sun carriage on the fountain and the classic pillars building with dome, we thought we were in Europe. But this is Chimei Museum at Tainan, Taiwan.

Mr. Wen-Long-Shi, the founder of Chimei group, is a successful business. He is very fond of art and music. We admire him sharing his abundant collections of western art, musical instruments,weaponry and  nature fossils with the public. He sets up a good example that the fortune comes from people, then, share the fortune with people.

717, Taiwan, 台南市仁德區成功里

2017年1月18日 星期三

Green Rocks at Lao Mei 老梅綠石槽

We, a group of  photography classmates, went to Lao Mei for taking photos of these green rocks which were covered by seaweed. We thought it would be a beautiful sunset and the sunlight would shining on these rocks. But it was cloudy this afternoon. So we took photos of the waves and rocks. The slow motion make it looks creamy.

The blue waves kept coming from the horizon.

It looked like snowing on these green rocks.

Rocks and pebbles were accompanied by current.

253, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Shimen District

2017年1月12日 星期四

Tamsui Church 淡水禮拜堂

Tamsui Church

I  walked along the Tamsui river  this afternoon. I also brought my camera, partly for exercise, partly for taking photos. After I arrived MRT station, I walked farther to have a cup a coffee taken-out from 83 Coffee Shop. I came to a church which was founded in AD 1872 by a missionary from Canada, named George Leslie Mackay. He came to Tamsui when he was 28 years old. He was also a doctor, therefore, he builded the first hospital in Taiwan at this town in 1879. During his missionary career, he traveled around this island to educate people and provide medication for people.

The first hospital in Taiwan

251, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Tamsui District, Maxie St, 8號

2017年1月11日 星期三

Taipei skyline

Taipei city Skyline
2016 12.23
from Elephant Mountain

Taipei World Trade Center  and Taipei 101

Taipei 101
449 meter
101 floor 
Elephant Mountain 象山
Xinyi District
Taipei City, Taiwan 110

2017年1月8日 星期日

好書分享: 56種性格決定 56 種命運

作者: 劉克群
心理治療師 畢業於 約翰霍普金斯醫學院

很多成功者,  受人歡迎, 貴人相助 . 工作事業順利. 時時財源廣進. 是命運之神特別眷顧?  還是他們的性格使然?

這本書說: "別讓性格誤了你"   了解自己的性格, 當遇見危機時, 做出好得決定, 就能好命好運, 自在快樂.

快來看看危機的出現和那些性格有密切關係 :

1. 懶惰和平庸的性格:缺乏信心, 無所事事, 得過且過. 如果不嚴格要求自己, 勇敢說不, 容易陷入自我設限的危機中. 生活中要努力不懈, 時時改進自我, 才能向上提升 

2. 委靡不振的性格: 每個人都有自己的危機, 會遇見挫敗的可能. 要下定決心, 打起精神, 一心一意, 劍及履及. 才能積極進取,  邁向成功. 

3. 要立定明確奮鬥的目標: 對於自己的人生要規劃目標. 知道自己的方向, 安排順序. 讓人生充滿意義和活力, 生命自然有光彩.

4: 要為前途工作: 不能只為錢而工作, 要讓工作使技能提升, 經驗累積, 和生命充實. 有形的報酬是薪水, 無形的報酬更是奮鬥的價值. 

5. 最後是反省的功夫. 
曾子曰:吾日三省吾身, 為人謀而不忠乎? 與朋友交而不信乎? 傳不習乎?

曾子每天會反省三件事, 替人做事, 是否竭盡心力?  和朋友交往, 是否有違背信用的地方? 老師的教導有沒有複習了?
每天要反省的功課是,  人際關係是否合宜? 如果有衝突, 如何化解? 如何累積人脈? 和諧相處.   工作和昨日相比是否更加提升? 有進展 !  財務狀況是否健全? 收入支出是否盈餘 ?

經由了解自己的性格, 常常反省自己.  進而不斷改善進步, 就能更加成功愉快!



2017年1月7日 星期六

攝影班成果展 Photography class exhibition

攝影班期末成果展:    Photography class exhibition
地點: 北投捷運站       Location: Beitu MRT station
時間: 2017/ Jan/07      Time:   2017/ Jan/07

早上十點開始布置 班長: 沈松僑 準備黏土, 雙面膠, 紙板 ,鐵絲 ......任何可能用到的固定材料 ,
一應具全. 真是設想周到又負責任的好班長.
不久班上最年輕的Amy 戴朝霞也到來幫忙貼上作者標籤.
毛教授維凌 此時也加入布置.

Ten o'clock in the morning our class leader ( Dr. Shen Song Qiao)  and I started  assembling the photos. He prepared almost everything that could be used for hanging these photos,, such as clay , double-sided tape, paper board, wire...He is such a thoughtful and responsible leader!
Soon after, the youngest classmate Amy arrived. She stuck note on each photo.
Professor Mao Wei-Ling also came and joined us.


開展後, 同學陸續前來熱情參與 , 老師也到場加油, 歡聚一堂.

After exhibition opened, Classmates arrived one after another with enthusiasm. Our tacher Xing Ding- Wei  also arrived. We  celebrated our exhibition  happily all together.

Beitou Station

Dan Shui Xin Yi Xian
Xin Bei Tou Branch Line